BREEDING and Variety Trials
- breeding of fruit and small fruit crops with using sources and donors of usefultraits (disease resistance, fruits shelf-life, column shape, high content of biologically active substances etc.) with the purpose of obtaining varieties for modern environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies;
- economic, biological and technological evaluation of new advanced domestic and introduced cultivars of fruit, small fruit and less-known crops in different soil-climatic regions;
- creation of new and selecting of introduced ornamental crops varieties with the determined parameters of valuable traits;
conservation, accession and renewal the of fruit, small fruit, nuciferous, ornamental and less known crops genetic bank with native species and forms, as well as new cultivars and hybrids as carriers and donors of important biological and economic traits.
Main achievements:
- new cultivars of fruit, small fruit and nuciferous crops have been created and those resistant to unfavourable bio- and abiotic environmental factors selected among the introduced ones; their fruits featured withhigh tasting quality and chemical technological properties, are suitable to the long storage and processing; now over 130 varieties of fruit and small fruit crops - plant bred at the institute and its research networks have been entered into the State Register of the Plant Cultivars of Ukraine;
the method of the forecasting the expected apple flowering intensity (T.Y. Kondratenko) have been developed; it is used widely in Ukraine as the main component of the orchards condition monitoring during late autumn and winter periods
Offer to customers:
- licensing of fruit and small fruit cultivars owner or promoter of which IH NAAS is, including those bred at the institute and its network:
apple: Askolda, Amulet, Radogost, Edera, Skifske zoloto, Garant, Teremok, Zymove lymonne, RanetteSymyrenka, Perlyna Kyeva;
pear: Vyzhnytsya, Stryiska, Zolotovoritska, Veresneve Devo, Oksamyt, Yablunivska, Platonivska, Lvivsky suvenir;
sweet cherry: Kytaivska chorna, Nizhnist, Lyubava, Valerii Chkalov, Prysadybna, Legenda Mliyeva, Annushka, Vasylisa, Krupnoplidna, Dar Mliyeva, Otrada;
cherry: Boguslavka, Nochka, Chudo-vyshnya, Vstrecha, Ksenia;
plum: Nenka, Voloshka, Oda, UgorkaDonetskaRannya, PamyatMateri, Oryhinalna;
myrobalan plum: General, Tetyana, Sonyachnyi Zaichyk, Charivna, Kolonopodibna;
apricot: Poliskyi krupnoplidnyi, Kyivskyi Krasen;
peach: Kyivskyi rannii, Knyazhegradskyi, Knyazhe Zoloto, Virinea, Zlatodar;
black currant: Yuvileina Kopanya, Sophiivska, Vernisazh, Volodymyrska, Kazkova, Oriana, Sanyuta, Galaktyka, Debut, Krasa Lvova, Melodiya, Muza;
red currant: Svyatomykhailivska, Troitska, Darnytsya, Lasunya, Rosynka, Vatra;
white currant: Snizhanka;
raspberry: Novokytaivska, Sanya, Perseya, Odarka, Phenomen, Maria;
gooseberry: Neslukhivskyi, Kamenyar, Oksamyt, Slavuta, Knyazhych, Svarog, Tyasmyn, Legin, Elegant;
strawberry: Rozana Kyivska,Olvia, Festivalna Romashka, Rusanivka, Prysvyata, Present, Veselka, Hercules, Yantarna, Atlantyda;
walnut: Bukovynska bomba, Bukovynskyi 1, Darunok Valentyny, Fedorivskyi, Nedoboivskyi, Yarivskyi;
hazelnut: Yantarnyi, Fakel;
viburnum: Yantarna, Mliivska;
honeysuckle: Bogdana, Fialka,Alicia, Spokusa;
pear rootstocks: IS 2-10, IS 4-6;
dwarf rootstock for sour and sweet cherry Studenykivska.
- Plants to order;
- Consulting service in selecting most suitable varieties of different fruit, small fruit, nut-bearing and less-known crops.
For information:
Viktoriia Vasylenko - Head of the Laboratory of Breeding and Technology of Growing of Fruit Crops, PhD, e-mail: v2022lab@ukr.net