Services of departments and laboratories

Breeding and Technology Department (e-mail: – Olena Kishchak, Head of Department, Corresponding Member NAAS, Doctor)
- introduction of intensive creation technologies and productive use of orchards using promising varieties and rootstocks in various soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine;
 - selection of varieties and rootstocks for the creation of intensive industrial fruit plantations;
 - scientific and methodological support for the creation and productive use of fruit intensive plantations;
 - modern designs of apple plantations on medium-growing and semi-dwarf rootstocks with the formation of round small-sized, , spindle-shaped, multi-axis and delayed open-centre crown of in trees;
 - intensive plantings of plums, cherries, bush cherry-plums on weak vegetatively propagated rootstocks and bush cherry-plums on seed rootstocks with the maximum mechanisation of labour-intensive processes;
 - providing recommendations and practical assistance to amateur gardeners in planting and caring for homesteads;
 - conducting scientific and practical seminars, lectures and workshops on the creation and care of orchards.

Laboratory of Breeding and Technology of Growing Fruit Crops (e-mail: – Viktoriia Vasylenko, Head of the Laboratory, PhD)
- granting the right to commercial distribution of varieties of fruit and berry crops, the owner or supporter of which is the IH NAAS (conclusion of licence agreements);
 - cultivation of planting material of fruit crops to order;
 - providing scientific and practical advice on the selection of the optimal breed and variety composition of fruit crops;
 - seasonal tastings  of different varieties of apples, pears, cherries, apricots to order.

Laboratory of Breeding and Technology of Growing Berry Crops (e-mail: – Olga Yaruta, head of the laboratory of breeding and technology of growing berry crops, PhD)
- granting the right to commercial distribution of varieties of fruit and berry crops, the owner or supporter of which is the IH NAAS (conclusion of licence agreements),
- cultivation of planting material of fruit and berry crops to order;
- providing scientific and practical advice on the selection of the optimal breed and variety composition of plantations of fruit, berry, nut, and less common plants in the culture.

Laboratory of Floral, Ornamental and Medicinal Crops (e-mail: – Valerii Yezhov, Head of the Laboratory, Doctor)
- scientific and methodological support for the creation of industrial plantations of essential oil and medicinal plants, nurseries for the production of floral and decorative crops;
- provision of recommendations and practical assistance in the landscaping of municipal and private territories;
- holding scientific and practical seminars, lectures on the cultivation and use of medicinal, essential oil and floral-decorative crops.

Laboratory of Vegetable Breeding (e-mail: – Oleksandr Vyrodov, Head of Laboratory, PhD)
– scientific and methodological support of technologies for growing of vegetable crops`s sowing and planting material; inspection of vegetable crops and provision of advice on their care;
– cultivation of seeds and planting stock of vegetable crops to order;
– cultivation of vegetable products to order;
– provision of recommendations for the introduction of soil-protective crop rotation, soil cultivation and plant care systems;
– development of fertiliser systems for vegetable crops based on the results of agrochemical inspection of fields and diagnostics of plant nutrition;
– provision of advice on technological and breeding issues;
– determination of new fertilisers effectiveness  for the purpose of their state registration.

Plant Protection Sector (e-mail: – Ihor Shevchuk, Head of Sector, PhD)
- testing the effectiveness of new pesticides for the purpose of their state registration;
- state tests of pesticides in the following areas: biological assessment of pesticides on cereals, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables, technical, fruit, berry crops;
- examination of plantations to find out the causes of the depressed state or plant death;
- sampling, diagnosis and determination of the species composition of pathogens, pests of fruit and berry crops and providing recommendations for the protection of plantations from them;
- author's support of the implementation by farms of systems of integrated protection of fruit and berry crops from pests and diseases.

Nursery Department (e-mail: – Viktor Sobol, Head of Department, PhD)
- design of perennial plantations, taking into account the latest domestic scientific developments using high-quality planting material of the best domestic and introduced varieties and their scientific and methodological support;
 - provision of scientific and methodological support for the creation of foundation stock of clonal rootstocks of seed and stone breeds;
 - scientific and methodological support of technologies for growing planting material of fruit crops;
 - examination of fruit plantations and provision of advice on their care.

Department of Virology, Plant Health and Propagation of Fruit and Berry Crops
(e-mail: – Nadiia Yaremko, Head of Department, PhD)
- scientific support for the production technology of certified planting stock of fruit, berry and ornamental crops on a virus-free basis:- examination of foundation stock plantations of fruit and berry crops in order to study the phytosanitary condition and their certification;
- selection of high-performance samples of varieties and rootstocks of fruit and berry crops for diagnostics for the absence of latent viral diseases in order to isolate the original clones for the creation of basic virus-free foundation stocks;
- express diagnostics of viral diseases of fruit and berry crops by biotechnological methods;
- soil testing for the presence of nematodes - vectors-carriers of a group of non-viruses;
- rehabilitation of infected clones of economically valuable varieties and types of rootstocks of fruit and berry crops using thermo-, chemotherapy and culture in vitro;
- reproduction of basic virus-free clones by biotechnological methods (culture of upper meristema, grafting, etc.);
- provision of consultative assistance or scientific support on the establishment and maintenance of certified foundation stock of fruit and berry crops;
- on the ordering of basic virus-free clones for the production of solid fertilisers.

Department of Research on Economics and Methodology
(e-mail: – Liudmyla Barabash, Head of Department, PhD)
- analysis and forecast of market conditions for fruits and berries;
- economic substantiation of investment standards for the creation (reproduction) of fruit and berry plantations;
- economic and energy assessment of types of plantations, pomological varieties, technologies for the production of fruit and berry products;
- calculation of minimum prices for the sale of fruits, berries and planting material;
- services for the development of business plans;
- provision of advice to commodity producers, scientists and educators;
- transfer of innovative projects and organisation of their scientific and consulting support.

Department of Storage, Processing and Analytical Research in Horticulture
(e-mail: - Viktor Grusha, Head of Department, PhD)
- assessment of the quality of fresh fruits and their processed products by physical, organoleptic, biochemical indicators;
- determination of the content of dry substances, soluble solids, sugars, organic acids, ascorbic acid, pectins, phenolic compounds (anthocyanins, flavonoids), chlorophylls, carotenoids;
- selection of temperature, gas regimes and methods of storing fruits;
- information and consulting services in the field of storage and processing of fruit and berry products;
- introduction of technologies and recipes for the manufacture of non-alcoholic (fruit drinks and nectars on a natural basis; healing phytobalms; canned food for children "Piure Ukrainski" (eng. “Ukrainian puree”) and wine products (sparkling table semi-dry and semi-sweet, strong and dessert varietal fruit and berry, varietal liqueur from rare and less common plants; wine liqueur cocktails and nectars; honey wines and beverages) for industrial production at enterprises of the non-alcoholic, canned, wine-making and alcoholic beverage industries;
- development of regulatory and technical documentation for industrial enterprises of the non-alcoholic, canned, wine-making and alcoholic beverage industries, business plans and technical tasks for the design of fruit processing enterprises;
- services provided using express, instrumental field and laboratory diagnostic methods:  
 - analysis of plant damage at low temperatures,
- bioanalysis for the presence of viral and bacterial diseases;   
- determination of pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases of fruit, berry, nut and other crops;
- consultations on the presence of viral and bacterial diseases restoration of the state of plantations after wintering, treatment of trees damaged by frost,
sunburn, rodents and tillage tools, etc.;
- consultations on the cultivation of soils for fruit and berry plantations, systems for maintaining rows with the use of various types of mulching materials, systems for foliar application of macro- and microelements in gardens and berries;
- scientific and methodological support of the organo-mineral system of fertiliser of fruit and berry plantations;
- determination of the suitability of soils for gardening;
- agrochemical analysis of soil and development on its basis of recommendations for bringing the content of basic macroelements to the optimal level;
- analysis of plant samples for the content of macro- and microelements;
- state tests of agrochemicals in the direction: biological assessment of agrochemicals on crops, grains, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables, technical, fruit, berry.