Principal research directions:
• development of the scientific fundamentals of the horticulture Ukraine:
- determination of the branch development directions on the principles of ecologization and resource saving;
- development of organizational and economic principles for the increase of the competitivity on the domestic fruit and small fruit production;
- studying the machanism of the fruit and small fruit market development in Ukraine;
• elaboration the methods of carrying out researches in horticulture;
• patent investigations and ensuring the protection on the rights for intellectual property;
• market researches and promotion of the results of the institute investigation by means of the informational, advertising and publishing activity.
Main achievements:
• Measure aiming at the increase of the fruits and small fruits production efficiency, investment and innovation branch development and formation of the internal and external fruits and small fruits markets have been substantiated;
• recommendations have been prepared as concerns creation of high effective managing forms in the industrial fruit growing;
• social-economic perspectives and scientific principles of the State Program of the Nut Production in Ukraine have been determined;
• the features pricing, competitivity and equivalent realization prices for the fruit and small fruit products have been established; the main indexes have been predicted that effect the formation of the market proposition, demand and methods of predicting the situation on the fruits and small fruits market;
• the methodological and technological fundamentals have been developed for the increase of the present day horticulture productivity; they are based on the more perfect methods of planning and carrying out researches, new approaches to the planting stock quality; the technologies have been proposed for the selection of regions which are the most suitable for the fruit crops industrial cultivation where the letters can display to a maximum degree their biological potential; that will enable to obtain the high quality production at relatively low expenses;
• for this purpose the complex evaluation of Ukraine’s regions suitability for fruit growing has been conducted.
Offer to customers:
• analysis and forcast of the situation at the fruits and small fruits market;
• economics substantiation of the investments standards for the creation (restoration) of orchards and small fruit plantations;
• economic and energetical estimation of orchard types, pomological cultivars, technologies for the fruits and small fruits production;
• calculation of minimum selling prices for fruits, small fruits and planting stock;
• service as for the preparation of business-plans;
• consultations for commodity producers, research workers, educationists;
• transfer of innovation projects and organization of their scientific and consultative accompaniment.
For information: e-mail: labeko111@gmail.com – Lyudmyla Barabash, Head of Department, PhD