Principal research directions:
- screening of cultivar and hybrid model of tomatofortaste, tolerance to biological and abiotic factors, suitability fruits for drying;
- development of methods for source material for the creation of heterotic hybrids of tomato and sweet pepper with a set of economic indicators for the conditions of greenhouses;
- explore is sues of sustainable vegetable production in the permanent and growings hort rotation under different levels of fertilizer while maintaining soil fertility;
- creation of winter garlic cultivars that are resistant to common diseases, selection of initial local forms of high content of essential oils and selenium for pharmaceutical purposes.
Main achievements:
- new cultivars and heterotic hybrids of vegetable plants have been created and those resistant to adverse biological and abiotic environmental factors, their fruits are characterized by high taste and chemical-technological properties, are suitable for industrial processing: now more than 25 varieties of vegetables, bred at the department have been entered into Registering Book of the Plant cultivars of Ukraine.
Offer to customers:
- the granting of right for the commercial distribution of vegetable crops cultivars owner of which IH NAAS is (under license agreements):
tomato for open field: Myrolyubivskyy, Oberig, Fastovskii, Flora, Kyivskyi 139, Iskorka, Lagidnyi, Mykolka, Uragan;
tomato for greenhouse: KDS-5 F1, Pobratym F1, Barmalei F1, Yatran F1, Enei F1, Koroliok, Veselka F1, Skarb F1;
sweet pepper: Siaivo, Myrolyubivskyi, Spokusa F1, Khameleon F1;
radish: Yasochka, Dobrynia, Krasochka;
garlic: Znakhar, Dobrodii, Promin;
salad: Krasunchyk; Kniazhych;
- growing seeds and seedlings of vegetables to order.
For information: kokos1939@ukr.net – Oleksandr Vyrodov, Head of the Breeding Department for Vegetable Plants, PhD