On admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies of IH NAAS address to the head of the sector of training of research workers, postgraduate studies IH NAAS Trokhymchuk Anna Ivanivna
tel.for more information: 098-48-39-436,
e-mail: sad-institut@ukr.net, a.trokhymchuk@ukr.net
address to provide documents: Institute of Horticulture NAAS, Sadova 23 st., Novosilky, Kyiv-27, Sector for preparing research workers and postgraduate studies (room № 39)
The institute prepares specialists through postgraduate studies with full-time education and on a correspondence course in programme subject area 203 - Horticulture and Viticulture
Education takes place in the following areas:
breeding and cultivar investigation, nursery branch, agricultural technician, storage and processing of fruits and berries.
The Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine announces admission to postgraduate studies:
The basis for the announcement of admission to postgraduate studies of the Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine for gaining a research degree of a Doctor of Philosophy is the license of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 8, 2016 №816.
Those are admitted to postgraduate studies for full-time (daytime, evening) and correspondence course forms of education for gaining a research degree of a Doctor of Philosophy on a competitive basis and who have obtained a master's degree or a educationally-qualification level of a specialist in the relevant specialty of agriculture,in a field of study of horticulture and viticulture (fruit growing).
The normative term of preparation for gaining a research degree of the Doctor of Philosophy in postgraduate study is four years.
Acceptance of applications and terms of admission campaign 2024
Start of acceptance of applications and documents: July 1
Deadline of applications and documents: August 15
Conducting entrance examinations to the postgraduate studies: August 20 - September 10
Deadline for enrollment of entrants on the state budget basis: until September 15
Term of enrollment of entrants at the expense of individuals and legal entities: no later than November 30
Beginning of postgraduate studies: September 15
Postgraduate preparation at the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine is carried out at the expense of:
-funds from the State Budget of Ukraine (if a citizen obtains the third level of higher education for the first time at the expense of the state budget);
-funds of legal entities and individuals (under the terms of the contract).
Preparing applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by state order is carried out exclusively in postgraduate study in full-time form of education.
Preparing of foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out on the basis of:
-international agreements of Ukraine and / or international exchange or mobility programs;
-on the basis of agreements concluded between the academic institution of NAAS and higher educational institutions (academic institutions) of other countries in order to the exchange of scientists or academic mobility;
-at the expense of legal entities and individuals (under the terms of the contract).
Postgraduate full-time students:
- receive a state scholarship in case of enrollment on the basis of the state budget for full-time education in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine;
- Out-of-town graduate students are provided with a dormitory on the basis of a certificate from the permanent place of registration.
Postgraduate students use preferential treatments in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.
For entrants from academic institutions of the NAAS chains - targeted (stationary) preparing with subsequent referral to the institution after graduation.
The procedure for accepting applications and documents for admission to the postgraduate studies :
1. Entrants to postgraduate study submit the following documents:
- application addressed to the director of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine;
- a personal record sheet, certified by the seal of the institution in which the graduate student is studying or working;
- two color photos, size 3x4 cm;
-list of published scientific works and inventions; published articles / abstracts (if available) or research proposal in the chosen specialty;
-medical certificate of health according to the form № 086 / о;
-certified copy of diploma of higher education (persons who received higher education abroad, the equivalence of the diploma is established in accordance with the "Procedure for recognition of higher education degrees obtained in foreign universities", approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 504 05 504 from 05.05.2015) ;
-recommendation of the Academic Council of a higher education institution or research institution (if any);
-a copy of the certificate of assignment of the identification number (for persons entering postgraduate study on a full-time basis);
-certificate from the permanent place of registration (for persons who intend to live in a dormitory);
-international certificate in a foreign language, which certifies the levels of C1 - C2 (if any).
2. Passport, diploma of higher education are submitted by an applicant personally.
3. The organization of the reception of entrants is carried out by the Admission Committee , the composition of which is approved by the order of the director of the scientific institution, which is its chairman.
The Admissions Committee of the academic institution admits entrants to the entrance examinations on the basis of submitted (all listed and timely) documents and may deny the entrant admission to the entrance examinations for postgraduate studies due to failure to submit documents specified in these Admission Rules.
Citizens of Ukraine who have not completed education on basis of state budget have the right to re-enroll for free higher education at the same educational degree subject to reimbursement to the state budget of funds spent on training services in accordance with the Procedure for reimbursement of state or local budget , spent on payment for preparing services, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 26, 2015 № 658.
4. Research proposal is a scientific text of up to 5 pages, prepared by an entrant to postgraduate study, which substantiates the topic of future dissertation research, its relevance, the state of development in domestic and foreign science, possible ways to solve problems and more.
Requirements for research proposals are formed in accordance with the characteristics of each specialty chosen by the applicant. The evaluation of the research proposal (with its possible presentation by the decision of the Academic Council of the scientific institution) will take place at the entrance exam in the specialty as its component.
The Institute is accepting doctoral students in the specialty 203 - Horticulture and Viticulture, in the field of study 20 - Agricultural Sciences and Food.
The doctoral program was opened in accordance with the requirements of the Academic Council of the Institute of May 18, 2017 (Record № 4), which was approved by the order of the Director № 51 of May 19, 2017.
The rules of admission to the doctoral program of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS of Ukraine are developed in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" of July 1, 2014 № 1556-VII, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 261 of March 23, 2016 “On approval of the procedure for preparing candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in higher educational institutions (academic institutions)". Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1285 of October 11, 2019. "Conditions of admission to higher education in Ukraine in 2020").
Conditions of admission to doctoral studies
To obtain the degree of Doctor of Science, to doctoral studies accepted students on a competitive basis who have the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Science), published works in the chosen specialty in domestic professional journals and foreign peer-reviewed journals indexed in scientometric databases, and scientific achievements that require completion or design in the form of a dissertation, monograph or scientific report on a set of articles.
The term of study in doctoral studies is 2 years.
Submission of a detailed research proposal - by July 15.
Acceptance of documents is carried out from July 1 to August 20; enrollment - from September 15.
Persons that are enrolled in doctoral studies conclude an agreement, which takes effect on the day of enrollment.
1. Applicants for doctoral studies submit the following documents:
- statement addressed to the director;
- a personal record sheet, certified by the seal of the institution in which the entrant worked before the doctoral program;
- list of published scientific works and inventions (according to the established sample with the definition of professional publications (articles / abstracts, if any) in the chosen specialty of the dissertation);
- two color photos,size 3x4
- medical certificate of health according to the form № 086 / о;
- a certified copy of the diploma of higher education;
- a certified copy of the diploma of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences);
- a certified copy of the certificate of the academic title of senior research worker (professor, docent, senior research worker, if any);
-detailed plan of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Sciences;
-a written description of the entrant's scientific activity, drawn up by a doctor of sciences who is a full-time employee of the Institute and agrees to be a scientific consultant in case of admission to the doctoral program;
- recommendation of the Academic Council of a higher education institution or research institution (if any);
- international certificate in a foreign language (if available).
-Passport, diploma of higher education, diploma of Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Science), certificate of academic title and a copy of the certificate of assignment of identification number are submitted by an applicant personally.
2. The Academic Council of the Institute within a month after the deadline for submission of documents (no later than September 15, 2019) considers the conclusions of the department, laboratory for each entrant and decides on enrollment in doctoral studies on a competitive basis (or refusal to enroll) and according to the characteristics scientific activity of the entrant appoints a doctoral student scientific consultant from among the full-time researchers of the Institute with a doctorate in the relevant specialty.
A person who previously studied for a doctorate at the state order and did not present a diploma thesis or was expelled from it in advance, has the right to re-enter the doctoral program at the state order only subject to reimbursement of funds spent on its preparation in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 658 of August 26, 2015 "Procedure for reimbursement of state or local budget funds spent on preparing services").