Principal research directions:
• studying the adaptibility of new apple and pear domestic and ìntroduced rootstocks in different soil-climatic conditions;
• selection of promising stone fruit crops cultivar-rootstocks combinations for the establishment of intense orchards.
Main achievements:
• a number of promising clonal rootstocks of different vigour: for apple – IS 1-9, IS 2-7, IS 2-64, IS 2-182, IS 2-247, D471, D43-91, D42-17, D10-71, D11-61, D19-04, D30-38, K104, K105, K120, KD2, KD4, KD5, KD9, Baturynska, Nadiya, Sambirska, pear – IS 2-10, IS 4-6, IS 4-12, UUPROZ-6, K-53, K-86, K-92, KS21-28, KS23-36, KS20-25 have been selected at IH NAAS and in its network under the complex of economic and biological traits;
• a number of seminal rootstocks for cherry and sweet cherry have been selected with high seed germination force, which are disease resistant in a seedling nursery (besides them the vegetatively propagated cherry rootstock Studenykivs’ka); they all restrain trees growth and secure their early ripening and high yield;
• new technologies for the production of the planting stok for fruit and small fruit crops have been grounded theoretically.
Offer to customers:
• projection of orchards with novel domestic developments with the usage of high quality plants of the best ukrainian and introduced cultivars produced in the experimental farms of the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) network and their scientific-methodical accompaniment;
• providing of scientific-methodical support for creating clonal rootstocks mother stock for pome and stone fruit crops;
• technologies for the production of the fruit crops plants;
• inspection of orchards and consultations as regards their management.
For information: e-mail: vsobol@i.ua – Victor Sobol, Head of the Nursery Department, PhD