Mid-season apple

Origin: Starkrimson x hybrid form 22/22 D (Jonathan x Aport Alexander)

Breeders: V.P. Kopan, K.M. Kopan

Released  in 1986

Resistant to powdery mildew is high, to scab - medium

Vigour - average. Forms an oval compact crown of medium thickness. Produces fruits for 3-4 years after planting

Yield - average

Picking date - end of September

Consumer Ripeness: November

Fruit description -  medium and large. The main color is greenish-yellow, covering – a blurred burgundy-cherry blush in strokes on most of the fruit

Flesh\taste -  creamy, firm, juicy, aromatic, sweet

Storage potential - cold store until March

°Вгіх - 13.7-14.6