Early-ripening variety

Origin: Griot Ostheim x Valeriy Chkalov (sweet cherry)

Breeder: L.I. Taranenko

Resistance: Resistant to fungal diseases. Winter-hardy. Self-sterile. Best pollinators: sweet cherry varieties Donetskiy Ugolek, Dzherelo, Donchanka, Yaroslavna, Prizadibna, Etika, Annushka.

Tree: Medium growth with a moderately dense, rounded crown. Bears fruit mainly on bouquet branches. Begins fruiting in the 4th-5th year after planting.

Fruit: Very large (up to 9 g), dark red, slightly flattened. The detachment from the stalk is dry. The stone is medium-sized, round, and separates well from the flesh. The flesh is dark red, juicy, with a dessert-like taste (8.4 points). The juice is red.

Brix: 13.3%

Ripening period: Harvest maturity occurs in the second decade of June.

Usage: Universal.