Sea Buckthorn OSOBLYVA
Type: Late-Medium Ripening
Authors: I.V. Hrynyk, T.Z. Moskalets, V.I. Moskalets, V.V. Moskalets
Year of Registration: 2019
Winter Hardiness and Disease Resistance: High (9 points) to fusarium wilt, endomycosis of fruits, and sea buckthorn fly damage
Bush Characteristics: Low-growing; suitable for mechanized fruit harvesting
Average Weight of 100 Fruits: 38-52 g
Juiciness: 68-73%
Brix: 24.7%
Transportability: High (9 points)
Usage: Due to the high content of biologically active substances and unique aromatic complex, this variety is suitable for producing teas, fruit-berry dry and dessert wines, and balms. Technological instructions for these products have been developed at IS NAAS. Suitable for industrial resource-saving and intensive orchards.