sweet cherry NIZHNIST
Medium-Late Ripening Variety
Origin: Drogan Yellow x Francis
Authors: S.Kh. Duka, L.S. Reznychenko, N.V. Moyseychenko
Year Registered: 2006
Disease Resistance: Resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. Winter-hardy.
Tree Characteristics:
Growth: Medium height, with a moderately dense, compact, rounded-oval crown. Self-incompatible. Best pollinators: Kytayivska Chorna, Drogan Yellow, Nectarna. Begins fruiting on bouquet branches at 4-5 years.
Fruit Characteristics:
Size: Large (7.8–9.5 g), round-heart-shaped, yellow with bright pink blush, resistant to cracking.
Stone: Medium size, easily separates from the flesh. Stone-to-fruit weight ratio: 5.2%.
Flesh: Light yellow, juicy, crisp, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste (8.3 points). Juice is colorless.
Harvest Time: Late June.
Usage: Versatile, high transportability.
Nutritional Content:
Brix: 16.2%