sweet cherry RANNIA DUKY
Early Ripening Variety
Origin: Seedlings from a hybrid seed mixture
Authors: A.P. Rodionov, S.Kh. Duka
Year Registered: 1972
Disease Resistance: Winter-hardy.
Tree Characteristics:
Growth: Vigorous, with a broad-pyramidal crown. Begins fruiting at 5 years.
Fruit Characteristics:
Size: Large (5.1-5.8 g), round-heart-shaped, with a depressed apex.
Skin Color: Dense, dark red, glossy.
Flesh: Dark red, meaty, semi-bignar, juicy, with a pleasant wine-sweet flavor (8.0 points). Juice is dark red.
Stone: Almost separates from the flesh.
Harvest Time: Early June.
Usage: Dessert.